AWS CD-V2-100 Scale
American Weigh AWS CD-V2-100 Scale Wholesale Price
- 100g Capacity
- 0.01g Resolution
- Backlit LCD
- Reads in: g, oz, ct, gn, ozt, dwt
- Scale Size: 4.9 x 5.5 x 0.5"
- Platform Size: 4" Diameter
- Used with 2 x CR2032 Batteries
AWS CD-V2-100 Scale For Sale Near Me
Smoke Tokes is a top online supplier of American Weigh AWS CD-V2-100 Scale, AWS CD-V2-100 Scale in United States of America, California with lowest price or best price or wholesale price. buy online American Weigh AWS CD-V2-100 Scale, AWS CD-V2-100 Scale near me at online wholesale shop. if you are thinking that where to buy American Weigh AWS CD-V2-100 Scale, AWS CD-V2-100 Scale with cheap price? if yes then Smoke Tokes is a large online wholesale company and you can buy bulk quantity American Weigh AWS CD-V2-100 Scale, AWS CD-V2-100 Scale at online store.