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Dugouts - Guide to Discreet One-Hitter Smoking Pipe

Dugouts - Guide to Discreet One-Hitter Smoking Pipe

It makes perfect sense to always prepare for something, but it feels great when you don’t have to carry something cumbersome with you when traveling. This is especially true for smokers who love taking quick hits of the favorite herb while on the go.

If you’re looking for a way to conveniently move with your smoking, then a dugout is the answer. If you haven’t heard about them, then here’s all you need to know about dugouts.

What's a Dug Out?

Dugout smoking pipes are portable systems that allow you to enjoy your favorite dry herbs at any place and time. A dugout takes the shape of a small box with two holes or sides. one hole is for storing your herbs while the other hole accommodates a small pipe popularly known as a one-hitter pipe or a bat.

It's called a one hitter because it's literally designed for a single session. The pipe takes the shape of a cigarette usually with the same design on the filter. Dugouts also feature a lid that you can twist or slide to prevent your stuff from falling out.



Many people want something small and discreet so they can take around with them. It can hep with tight situations. 


This is the biggest benefit of one hitter boxes. Dugouts take a slim and portable shape that can easily fit into any pocket without a bulge. The primary function of a dugout system is to conceal your smoking material. That is exactly what it does. You won’t be disappointed.


Dugout systems offer maximum discreteness for smoking, thanks to their design and shape. Dugouts are suitable for outdoor use so you can enjoy your herb on a low key while in public. You just have to pull out the one hitter pipe, take quick hits, and puff it out. Since one hitters look like cigarettes, no one would ask you questions. 

Minimal Odor

One of the downsides of smoking is the smell. However, unlike many other smoking methods, one hitters produce less odor, which ultimately helps to increase discreteness. You can freely smoke your legal herbs without drawing people’s eye to yourself because of excessive smell.

Conserves Herbs

One hitter pipes help to converse your flowers. Since they are designed to hold a small amount of herb at a time, it will help you cut down on how much you consume unlike when you’re using a bowl. You will become mindful of each hit you take, so there is little or no risk of over-smoking, and this will help you save money.


How Dugout Works?

Dugout is quite easy to use. The first step is understanding the herbal texture. Keep in mind that finely ground helps will produce the best result. Hence, you should avoid grinding your product until they become smooth and dusty as you face the risk of inhaling it while taking hits. There are different tobacco grinders that you can use for this purpose.

Once the herbs are ready, pack it into the end of the opening while packing it down into the dugout and lock the lid. Whenever you want to take a hit, just pull out the one hitter pipe and slide it into the part where you kept your herb. The grounded product will automatically enter the pipe without you touching the herb.  After loading the one hitter, fire up and take quick hits.


The dugout smoking pipe is a well crafted concealable and covert smoking system. The shape is small enough for easy carriage during transit. While traditional one hitters take a flat rectangle shape, some newer ones take a round or curve shape, which offers more convenience. They can easily fit into your jeans, jacket, purse, or bag.

Dugouts usually feature a magnetic or a swivel lid, and some systems come with cleaning tools (consider getting a dugout that comes with a cleaning tool).


The first set of Dugouts were made with wooden materials, but there are other available options in the market today. The most recent and expensive dugouts are the ones made from stainless stain. They are ultra-durable and will last for eternity. The only issue with stainless stain dugouts is weight.

Dugout one hitters tend to be heavier than other types of one hitter boxes. They are also made with acrylic and plastic materials, and they come with different artistic designs.

Cleaning a One Hitter

We recommend that you give your pipe a quick clean after each use to enjoy smoother hits during every session. A gentle tap on the one hitter pipe will remove some of the leftovers, then use a pointy tool to clean it. Using a pipe cleaner will help if you're having a hard time removing all the residue.

You should also do a thorough cleaning every week to get rid of resins that give your one hitter a bad taste and smell. You can get this done by following these steps:

  • Tap your one hitter pipe to remove residue and rinse with hot water
  • Get a small container or a plastic zip bag
  • Place the pipe inside the bag, add about one tablespoon of salt and pour in isopropyl alcohol until the one hitter is completely covered
  • Zip the bag or close the container and shake very well.
  • Leave for some minutes and shake again.
  • Get rid of the alcohol and rinse the pipe with hot water.
  • Allow your one hitter to dry completely before using it again.
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